Quality, reliability and protection of the environment in the search for professional excellence.

Our commitment...

For Pedelta, quality and the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of our clients and collaborators determine the well-being of our company. In our internationalization strategy and with a strong commitment to innovation and excellence in the quality of our services, our commitment is aimed at:

  • Provide highly qualified services, with a high innovative and creative knowledge, experience, ability, specialization, ethics and necessary resources to provide a timely and effective technical service that contributes to the social project and customer loyalty, within the legal and market framework. , cultural, economic and social where the project is developed, adopting the appropriate decisions and with the following scope: Feasibility studies and/or alternatives / Structural evaluation studies / Construction, rehabilitation, repair and R+D+I projects / Supervision of projects / Inspection and management of bridges and structures / Technical assistance and construction management during execution.
  • Understand quality and environmental management as strategic elements for the operation of the company, fulfilling the contractually agreed requirements through the application of our Quality Management System based on ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 and any other applicable legal requirement.
  • Ensure, through risk-based thinking, the satisfaction of our clients, developing respectful technical solutions for the environment and the social and cultural context where they are located.
  • Allocate resources for the implementation and continuous improvement of the System and our organizational processes, fostering among our employees a sense of responsibility concerning customer service, the quality and technical excellence of our work and concern for the environment, providing adequate training, direction and support for the development of the professional career and motivation for continuous improvement in the tasks carried out.
  • Make this policy available to interested parties.

All this will ensure the future of the company promoted by quality, reliability, and environmental protection, in its search for professional excellence.

Juan A. Sobrino, PhD, PE, PEng, ing, ICCP
October, 2021