Project Description
In 2013 Pedelta provided engineering services for the detailed design of the extension of six production facilities of Prestressed Systems Inc. in Windsor, ON. The aim of the project was to renew the yards to allow simultaneous fabrication of large precast concrete girders. The project included the design of the stressing beds, hardware, and the steel roof and foundations.
The completed yards allow flexibility and fast production of the girders for the Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway Project (formerly known as the Windsor-Essex Parkway Project).
Design/Construction Approach
This project required a fast detailed design coordinated with an accelerated construction. The extensions were completed in 4 months, including design and construction. It was a race against the clock that allowed shortening the critical path in the Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway Project.
Six Stressing and Curing facilities were extended or improved in a great coordination effort between designers, constructors and owners:
- 1 Stressing Bed extension from 51m to 82m. Including new stressing sockets, uprights, movable roof extension, walls and foundations.
- 1 Stressing Bed extension from 60m to 86m. Including new stressing sockets, uprights, movable roof extension, walls and foundations.
- 1 Stressing Bed improvement. Including new uprights and hardware for higher stressing capacity.
- 1 Curing Tent extension. Including new movable roof extension, walls and foundations.
- 2 New Curing Tents. Including new movable roof extension, walls and foundations.